
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Having the Courage to Back Yourself with Deanna Williamson
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Meditation, travel, family, managing anxiety, returning to a love of drama and acting, and equine-assisted therapy. We cover so many topics on the show today, with my guest Deanna Williamson.
Deanna is an occupational therapist working with children and families and the connection between them. She loves helping kids learn how to develop their skills and be part of the journey as both the child and the parent grow.
Find out more by visiting OT Time Kids Therapy.com or connect with Deanna on Instagram and Facebook.

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Changing Your Brain with Toby Pasman
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
This week I have neurophysiology researcher and founder of Roscoe’s Wetsuit Neuro, Toby Pasman on the show to talk about neuromodulation, brain mapping, transcranial stimulation, and what all of those terms mean for peak brain performance.
In 2019, Toby started the Roscoe’s Wetsuit Neuro Podcast to broaden his own knowledge of psychology, neuroscience, neurophysiology, and optimal brain performance by interviewing experts from universities, research labs, and clinics around the world.
In 2021, Toby founded Roscoe’s Wetsuit Neuro to offer neuro coaching, QEEG brain mapping, and neuromodulation to people interested in peak performance and hacking their brains.
Find out more about Roscoe's Wetsuit Neuro here and follow Toby on Instagram for more content.
If you're interested in learning how to optimise your brain health through nutrition, supplementation, sleep hygiene, and exercise, you can book a free 15-minute Neuro Health Coaching Consultation with Toby.
PLUS we have a special gift to say thanks for being a listener of the show. Enter the coupon code MASTERY21 to get 15% off your first Neuro Health Coaching session.

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Leading By Example with Mat Lock
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Harnessing human potential. What does it take to lead people to perform at their peak?
Mat Lock, Co-founder of The Bay Games, and author of the book Lead By Example, joins me behind the mic to talk about these ideas in sport, work and our everyday life.
The Bay Games allows everyday athletes from all over the world to connect and collaborate through friendly competition, but the games are much more than a sporting event.
Grab a copy of Mat's book, Lead By Example, here. 50% of profits from the book go to Lifeline Australia.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Finding Purpose in Retirement with Sharon Rolph
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
What’s left when your job title goes away? Did you know, retirement ranks number 10 on the top 10 List of Life Stressors?
Today on Mindset Mastery, Sharon Rolph joins me to address the social, emotional, mental, and spiritual impacts of retiring.
Sharon transitioned her Behavioural Science Master's Degree into being a Retirement Essence Coach after she retired in 2016, and now helps people find purpose and fulfillment in this massive life event.
Find out more by visiting EffortlessVitality.org and EffortlessVitality.Now.Site
Check out Sharon's Queen of Courage series on Instagram.

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Overcoming Addiction with Gary Fahey
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
My guest today spent 18 and a half years with the Australian Federal Police, the last 10 of which battling a major depressive and gambling disorder. He took on this struggle silently, which cost him almost $2 million, his career and reputation until a pivotal moment in 2016.
He began the process of understanding everything he could about his behavior, his habits and himself, and is now a public speaker and Ambassador for the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association, delivering custom presentations around men's mental health, peak performance, and many more topics.
Here to share his story today is Mental Strength and Conditioning Coach, Gary Fahey.
You can find out more by visiting StrongMend.com or follow Gary on Instagram.

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Training for Endurance with Nathan Fenton
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
In this episode of Mindset Mastery, we’re talking about endurance sport. My guest today is lifelong endurance athlete and running technique coach, Nathan Fenton.
Nathan has completed Ironman Triathlons in Australia, Europe and the UK and competed in running races from 5km to 100km. He loves to tinker with principles and techniques from other sports to see how they can apply to endurance sport.
You can find out more about Nathan by visiting RunPowerCoach.com

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Building Great Teams with Stephen Morris
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Today I have Stephen Morris on the show to talk about what it takes to be a great leader and the importance of effective systems and processes to have a successful organisation.
Stephen began his career designing multi-million dollar racing yachts and coaching teams to help his clients win some of the world’s most demanding yacht races.
We’re going to talk about how to really get a team to work together to achieve success in work, but also to create a supportive and fulfilling work environment that focuses on people first.
You can find out more by visiting Catylator.com

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
We're All in Sales with Robert Gillette
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Everyone is in sales in one capacity or another. Whether that’s selling to customers, selling an idea to your boss, or selling a new vegetable to your five-year-old.
To chat about this idea with me today I have professional salesman and host of the Reclaiming Sales podcast, Robert Gillette, joining me on the microphone.
We’re going to take a walk through Robert’s journey from a time he never imagined a career in sales, to his vision of stealing back the idea of sales as a profession you can do with honour and integrity.
Connect with Robert on LinkedIn and check his podcast Reclaiming Sales.

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Intention with Dr. Ian Brooks
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Intention. What does it mean to live with it? And what does it mean to not get locked into it?
This is the topic of today’s discussion with Dr. Ian Brooks, author of the Book Intention.
Today we’re going to dive into Ian’s story and talk about his experiences and research around the idea of living with Intention.
Thanks for joining me today on Mindset Mastery, if you’ve been enjoying the show please leave us a review on your favourite podcast app so more people, like you, can join on this journey.
You can connect with Ian on Instagram or visit his website here, RhodesSmith.com.

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Moving Beyond Loss with Karen Chaston
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Loss can come in many different forms, some that we may not even recognise as loss events. And often, loss and grief cause us to turn to avoidance tactics because we aren’t equipped to deal with the pain of those emotions.
Today I am joined by Beyond Loss Mentor and co-founder of the Chaston Centre, Karen Chaston, to talk about moving beyond loss and creating more meaning in our lives.
Karen shares her own story of loss and how she came to help others to work through painful emotions themselves.
In this episode, we talk about the different kinds of loss, some tools to begin moving through a loss event, and how to support someone you know who is dealing with loss themselves.
If you'd like to connect with Karen visit TheChastonCentre.com
If you found value in this episode please share it with one person who would benefit from what we talked about as well.

We Are Only Limited By What We Believe We Are Limited
Welcome to Mindset Mastery. This is the place we explore positive mindset practices, neuroscience, our individual journeys of personal development and ultimately design a life we don‘t need to escape from.
I started this podcast from my own love of mindset and personal development and wanted to share my own journey, research and insights so that you can become a Master of your mindset too.
I'm stoked to have you along for the ride.