
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Treating Yourself with Compassion with Jonathan McLernon
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Today’s guest has a very diverse background. From nanotechnology researcher to Navy marine engineer, globetrotting nomad to what we're here to talk about today, owner of Freedom Nutrition Coaching, Jonathan McLernon joins me on the show.
Coach Jon marries the Science of Metabolism with the Psychology of Behavior Change and the Compassion of Human Connection to create life-changing transformations with his clients.
Today we're going to be talking about nutrition and emotional eating, body dysmorphia, and the limiting beliefs stopping us from reaching our health and weight loss goals.
You can visit Jonathan's website, FreedomNutritionCoach.com for more information and you can grab your free copy of Crush Your Cravings here.

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Turning Thoughts Into Things with Dr. Hank Seitz
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
The subconscious mind is a very powerful thing. My guest this week, here to talk to us about how we can turn our thoughts into things is Dr. Hank Seitz.
Dr. Hank has a Ph.D. in Mental Science and has helped people all over the world from Fortune 100 Companies to individual Entrepreneurs to improve their mindset, build wealth and become happier.
Today we're going to talk about creating better health, more wealth, and building a more fulfilling life by using the subconscious mind and tapping into the kingdom within.
You can connect with Dr. Hank by joining his Facebook Group Angel Connections.
Follow him on Instagram or email him directly at drhank@drhank.biz

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Reset, Recharge and Renew with Kristen Herlihy
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
On the show today we have owner of Refine from Within, Kristen Herlihy, to talk about the three key pillars of our health - fitness, nutrition and mindset psychology.
Kristen combines her expertise as a licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Family Nutrition Health Expert to help families and busy mums integrate healthy lifestyles into their homes.
Kristen helps people to Reset, Recharge and Renew from within, and create sustainable change to their health and wellbeing.
Join in on Kristen's workout routines and find great resources at RefineFromWithin.com
Follow Kristen on Instagram for more health and fitness tips and inspiration.

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Love Yourself First with Jenna Banks
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Self-love has become a hot topic in recent times but it's not all about hitting the spa or taking a candlelit bubble bath. Sometimes, there’s real work attached to break the habits of how we treat ourselves that we've become so accustomed to.
To talk about self-love and developing our own internal value, entrepreneur, author and speaker, Jenna Banks joins the show.
Jenna is the host of her own podcast and video series, The Jenna Banks Show, where she shares tips, tools and advice geared towards helping us live life to our fullest potential.
We talk about trusting our own intuition and internal compass rather than searching for external approval and how we can love ourselves in a world where too often most of us don't even like ourselves.
To find out more and to download the first chapter of Jenna's book, I Love Me More, head to Jenna-Banks.com
And you can follow Jenna on Instagram for more inspirational self-love content.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Taking Charge of Our Healing with Savio P. Clemente
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Today I am joined by Board Certified Wellness Coach, fellow podcaster, Stage 3 Cancer survivor, and founder of The Human Resolve, Savio P. Clemente.
Savio helps cancer survivors overcome the confusion and gain the clarity needed to get busy living in mind, body, and spirit. He inspires people to find their "why" and to cultivate resilience in their mindset.
In this episode, we’ll look at feeding our "three brains" — the head, heart, and gut — and how to have all three working in synergy.
We’re going to talk about being present, getting out of our own head and moving beyond auto-pilot to take charge of our healing.
You can find out more about Savio by heading to his website TheHumanResolve.com

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
The Power to Transform Your Life with RJ Singh
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
RJ Singh joins the show to share his story of transformation from a life of chronic addiction, crime and youth detention to living life with intention and focus.
With the support of mentors, he developed his own framework to rebuild and refocus his mind, body, and spirit complex to transform his life.
To perform at our peak and achieve a high level of success in all areas of life we require intention, discipline, and solid habits.
Visit UltraHabits.co for more information and inspiration.
Follow RJ and the Ultrahabits podcast on Facebook.

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Nourishing our Brain with Dr. Delia McCabe
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
On the show today I have Nutritional Neuroscientist, author and speaker, Dr. Delia McCabe, to talk about how our brain health, stress resiliency and psychological wellbeing can be directly impacted by the food we eat.
Delia shifted her focus from conventional talking therapy after completing her Master's in Psychology. She discovered that what we eat directly impacts brain function and that until the brain is properly nourished no amount of talking can support optimal cognitive functioning.
Today we’re going to dive into her research about the nutrients our brain needs to function at its best and how you can take control of your brain health by taking control of your diet.
Visit Delia's website LighterBrighterYou.Life for more information and resources.
Download her 7-Point Checklist To Feel Light And Bright Starting Today here.

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
From Your Stressed Self to Your Best Self with Dr. Jennifer Harrison
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
One of the biggest barriers to good health, happiness and success is stress. Today I am joined by stress and body-mind health expert, Dr. Jennifer Harrison.
Dr. Jen has studied the impact stress has on our body, mind and spirit for the last 33 years and her number 1 focus is to help people manage and process stress as well as learn powerful success principles to manifest the business and life they want without sacrificing their health and happiness.
In this episode, we’re talking about how our mindset and limiting beliefs can contribute to body-mind stress and on the other side of the coin, how a success mindset can help relieve stress and make it easier to achieve our goals.
Visit DrJenniferHarrison.com for more information, stress management tools and mindset coaching.

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Reclaiming Yourself with Leah Marmulla
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Today we have author, counselor and NLP practitioner, Leah Marmulla joining us to talk about the effect our thoughts and emotions have on our health.
Leah has been coaching people from all walks of life for the past 12 years, she also has a background in Dietetics and uses all of the knowledge she has gained in her many areas of study to help people grow their confidence and self-compassion.
Leah's mission is to help others take steps to walk their life journey. You can find out more about Leah by visiting StepsToChange.com.au and listen to her podcast here.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Empowering Your Reality with Dr. Vic Manzo Jr.
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
It all starts with harnessing the power of our own mindset, what we focus on is what we attract. Today we have Dr. Vic Manzo on the show to talk to us about using your mindset to achieve success and create a life you love.
Dr. Vic is a Certified Pediatric & Family Wellness Chiropractor, Transformational Mindset Coach, Inspirational Speaker, and author of two books: Rediscover Your Greatness and A Walk in the Dark.
We will be diving into breaking psychological barriers, universal laws, neuro-reprogramming and other mindset techniques that Dr. Vic uses himself and with his clients to achieve what they desire.
Head over to EmpoweringYourReality.com to connect with Dr. Vic, and listen to his podcast, The Mindful Experiment here.
You can also follow him on Instagram and Facebook for more inspirational content.

We Are Only Limited By What We Believe We Are Limited
Welcome to Mindset Mastery. This is the place we explore positive mindset practices, neuroscience, our individual journeys of personal development and ultimately design a life we don‘t need to escape from.
I started this podcast from my own love of mindset and personal development and wanted to share my own journey, research and insights so that you can become a Master of your mindset too.
I'm stoked to have you along for the ride.