
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
More Than Just a Business with Cailen Ascher
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Our business isn’t just a business.
Today I am joined by personal growth and business coach, Cailen Ascher, to talk about finding freedom and fulfilment in our lives through simple mindset shifts.
Cailen helps people lift limiting thoughts, habits and patterns that are keeping them from fully recognising and living the life they want.
In this episode, we’re looking at business goals and life goals as one in the same, because really, it is all your life.
Listen to Cailen’s podcast, The 3 Day Work Week Podcast, here.
Connect via her website, CailenAscher.com and Instagram for more awesome content.

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Heal the Body, Heal the Mind with Tommy Berrabe
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Welcome to the first-anniversary episode of Mindset Mastery!
Wow, how this year flew by. I want to thank every single one of you who has joined me on this journey and listened, shared, liked the show, it has made this whole experience that much sweeter.
In today’s episode, I am joined by personal trainer, Tommy Berrabe, to talk all about gut health in relation to our mood, mental health and overall well-being.
We’re looking at some of the lesser-known symptoms of poor gut health, the role of good bacteria in the gut and probably one that none of us are keen to hear - the negative effect alcohol has on our body.
Connect with Tommy via his Instagram page.
One more piece of exciting news before we go. As we’ve reached our one-year milestone, we are going to ramp it up. Mindset Mastery is now going to have weekly episodes! I can’t wait to share double the episodes with you and if you’d like to be a guest yourself I would love to hear from you.
Email rachel@thatcameragirl.com to get in touch.
I can’t wait to see you right back here again next week, until then, remember, we are only limited by what we believe we are limited.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Creating a Life You Love with Joey Drolshagen
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
In this episode, we’re talking about creating a life you love, a life you don’t have to escape from, a life of total freedom. My guest today, is personal and professional development coach, author and speaker, Joey Drolshagen.
Joey's lifelong pursuit of learning and personal development helps him to give his clients the tools and the confidence to move past their fears to enjoy more success and freedom on their terms.
If you feel as pumped up as we did after listening to this episode, we have something very special to share with you, check it out here.
You can also connect with Joey through his website, CoachWithJoseph.com

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Whispering to the Mind with Dawna Campbell
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
We are only consciously aware of 10% of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The rest lie in our subconscious.
Dawna Campbell uses Thought Form Energy Healing to help people release blocked emotions and energy in the subconscious that is holding them back from living the life they desire.
Her experience spans from a career in financial planning to living in an Ashram and studying brain wave patterns and meditation, to learning natural healing techniques from many other teachers.
Her book Financially Fit draws from her knowledge and experience to bring together the world of money and energy.
If you'd like to connect with Dawna or find out how you can work with her head to her website, DawnaCampbell.com.

Wednesday May 05, 2021
The Pillars of Resilience with Marie Skelton
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
This week I speak with writer, speaker and podcaster, Marie Skelton, about her research into resilience and mental wellbeing after she experienced a life-changing event.
Marie has played volleyball for Australia, had a successful corporate career, and always considered herself to be positive and resilient. But after an accident in 2017, she began researching how people cope with major life changes and why some people are able to cope with whatever life throws at them while others struggle.
In this episode, we’re going to break down the three key foundations the most resilient people build and balance in their lives.
You can connect with Marie by visiting her website here.
And listen to her podcast with co-host Pete Furness, Happiness for Cynics, exploring the latest research and case studies on happiness, with a heavy dose of cynicism and a lot of laughs.

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Thrive, Survive or Crash-dive with Luke Fenwick
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Joining me today is Life Impact Coach, Luke Fenwick, to talk about transitioning from his successful corporate career when the work he was doing and his mindset around it, started negatively affecting his life and family.
In this episode we dive into limiting beliefs, the stories we tell ourselves, forming small but positive habits in our lives, and the idea of self-validation rather than seeking validation from our peers.
Luke has a mission to impact 1 million lives by 2025, by helping people figure out exactly what they desire for their life and creating a plan to achieve it.
You can find out more about Luke's work by visiting his website.
Or connect with him via LinkedIn and Instagram.

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
The Science and Art of Reading People with Alan Stevens
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
On the show today, The Mentalist meets Dr. Phil, as proclaimed by the Newcastle Herald. I’m talking to International Profiling and Communications Specialist Alan Stevens.
Alan has worked with international clients such as Disney Films and Gillette, as well as organisations like the Australian Federal Police to help them to understand how people tick.
Alan works with business owners and executives, helping them to understand and engage their clients and prospects, and with parents and teachers to help them enhance the ability of their children to reach their full potential and connect with every individual child.
Good communication with each other is what makes the world go round, and what allows us to have strong relationships with those around us. Today we’re going to explore the foundations of profiling to have better communication in all areas of our life.
You can find out more by visiting AlanStevens.com.au
Grab your copy of Alan's 7 Secrets to Reading People here.

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Building a Leader with Kerry Kingham
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Today we are exploring the foundations of successful leadership in business from large corporations to sole traders.
I’m joined by leadership coaching expert Kerry Kingham to talk about the qualities a successful leader needs to develop, the importance of building strong relationships as a leader and some strategies for how to have difficult conversations with members of your team.
Kerry has over 15 years of experience in leadership roles in the corporate world and now runs her business, Kerry Kingham Coaching, to help business owners grow to their full potential and become successful leaders in their industry.
Whether you are a business owner, a manager or an employee, a leader of a team or flying solo in business, there is great advice in this episode to help you grow your communication and leadership skills.
How good are your leadership skills? Take Kerry's Leadership Skills Quiz to find out!
Jump on the waitlist for the Leaders Lab course.

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Building a Healthy Brain with Cindy Shaw
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Today I am joined by brain health expert Cindy Shaw, to talk about how mental health is really brain health.
Cindy helped people as a mindset and cognitive performance coach but began to explore brain health when she started experiencing severe brain fog and feared it to be early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.
She now helps people to optimise their brain and mind with a combination of brain health, neuroscience, and behavioural psychology to boost their mood, resilience and overall wellbeing in life.
In this episode, we’re going to talk about how our non-stop 24/7, technology-filled lifestyles affect the brain and how we can help build better brain health to be more focussed, creative, calm and happy.
Check out Cindy's 6 Minute Meditation here.
Find out more about Cindy's work by visiting her website, The Better Brain Academy.

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Owning Your Time with Stephanie Berryman
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
How often do you find yourself saying, ‘I just don’t have time!’
What if I told you, you could create two hours of extra time every day?
Talking us through some strategies for increasing productivity, managing stress and living a happier life, is coach and author, Stephanie Berryman.
In this episode we’re talking about the neuroscience around productivity and building habits, and how to implement systems into our daily lives so we can get more done.
We’re going to break down the idea of what ‘being successful’ actually means for each of us individually, and how to design your life so the way you spend your time is on your terms.
You can find out more about Stephanie's courses and books by visiting ManageToEngage.com

We Are Only Limited By What We Believe We Are Limited
Welcome to Mindset Mastery. This is the place we explore positive mindset practices, neuroscience, our individual journeys of personal development and ultimately design a life we don‘t need to escape from.
I started this podcast from my own love of mindset and personal development and wanted to share my own journey, research and insights so that you can become a Master of your mindset too.
I'm stoked to have you along for the ride.