
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Challenging Your Beliefs with Eric Konovalov
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Joining me behind the mic today is founder of The Goal Guide Inc. Eric Konovalov.
Eric helps entrepreneurs break through their barriers, realise their own potential and achieve their dream levels of success.
In this episode, we’re talking about how our beliefs are formed, how they drive our behaviour and how to reprogram our minds.
Key takeaways from this episode:
- You cannot give what you do not have - you have to fill your own cup first!
- Gaining clarity of your goals and wants in life by volunteering
- Challenging your idea of what is a 'realistic' goal, and aiming for extraordinary, not just average
You can connect with Eric at TheGoalGuide.com
Or follow him on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Growth, Gratitude and the Personal Development Journey with Tania Cicmil
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
My guest this week is personal development coach and founder of MindState Coaching, Tania Cicmil.
Tania’s entrepreneurial journey started when she was 19 years old in the world of hairdressing. Today she's here to share her story of diving into personal development to create the best life possible for herself and her children, and then deciding she wanted to teach others to do the same.
In this episode, we’re going to talk about using personal development to improve your life, and how you can become the best version of yourself. We also discuss the importance of forgiveness, of others and ourselves, for our own growth and happiness.
You can visit Tania's website MindStateCoaching.com.au here.
Or follow Tania on Instagram and Facebook.

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Changing Our Relationship with Food with Dannielle Illingworth
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Joining me behind the mic today is kinesiologist, naturopath and author of the book 'Quit Stressing About Food', Dannielle Illingworth.
Danni struggled with emotional eating, uncontrollable food cravings and poor body image throughout her teens and early 20s, but now, using her knowledge of naturopathy and kinesiology, she helps women overcome their own struggles in those areas.
She is on a mission to help as many women as possible to heal their relationship with food and with their body so that together, we can raise the next generation to enjoy food without guilt and love their bodies just as they are.
You can connect with Danni by visiting her website or following her on Instagram and Facebook.

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
The Definition of Resilience with Justine Martin
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
The definition of resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; to show toughness!
Welcome back to the Mindset Mastery podcast, my guest on today's show is the Resilience Queen, Justine Martin.
Ten years ago she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, then three primary cancers, and also underwent three heart surgeries. Justine was told she would never work again. But that was never an option for her.
Justine catapulted herself into the world of business. She not only changed her life to give it purpose and direction but also inspires those around her with her story.
Check out Justine's Top Ten Tips to Resilience Mindset here.
And have a look at her amazing artwork and art wellness classes at JuztArt.com.au

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Resilience Through Tough Times with Heidi Dening
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
My guest today has an inspiring story of resilience, from surviving a paralysing illness, a gunpoint kidnapping, a life-threatening tsunami and petrol bombs, Heidi Dening works with leaders and their teams to help them work at their fullest potential, in the face of change, stress and uncertainty in life.
She has dedicated her career to help thousands of people around the world develop resilience, self-leadership and greater wellbeing with programs for people from all backgrounds and walks of life.
You can find out more about Heidi by visiting her website here.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
The Magic of Going Alcohol Free with Karolina Rzadkowolska
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Today’s episode is all about changing your relationship with alcohol to achieve greater health and happiness and unleash your full potential.
As we record this episode I am currently on my own No Alcohol November, so this topic is a very timely one.
Joining me to talk about the science of alcohol on our bodies and brains, healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress, and navigating the social aspects and FOMO that comes with going alcohol-free, is certified alcohol-free life coach and founder of Euphoric Alcohol-Free, Karolina Rzadkovolska.
Karolina has worked with thousands of clients through her online courses and coaching to help them change their mindset around drinking.
Her book, Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You will hit bookshelves on January 4th and is available for preorder now.
Follow Karolina on Instagram for more inspirational content.

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Reigniting Your Creativity with Matt Gardiner Part2
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
We are back for part two of our creativity conversation with host of the Electric Soil podcast Matt Gardiner.
In the last episode, we talked about perfectionism, art as therapy and how being creative can be as healthy for you as exercise.
Today we're going to dive a little deeper into Matt's story, explore the process of the learning curve, all those negative words we use that are holding us back and how to become competent in a new skill.
Check out Matt's band, Ground Level Falcons new release here.
Listen to our conversation about video creation, podcasting and personal development on Matt's podcast Electric Soil.
Find out more about Matt's course and reignite your creativity here.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Reigniting Your Creativity with Matt Gardiner Part 1
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Welcome to episode 50 of Mindset Mastery! I want to say a massive thank you for lending me your ears and being part of this journey so far, and to every awesome guest who has shared your knowledge, immersed us in your story and made the show possible I'm so incredibly grateful.
I'm so excited to celebrate this milestone with you and as we head into the next 50 I'd love to know what mindset topics you want to hear about next, or if you'd like to be a guest yourself reach out here.
Today we’re talking about creativity as a way of healing and improving everything in our lives. Joining me on the show is Recovery & Life Coach, Matt Gardiner.
Matt’s training helps people to confront and strip away, their negative self-talk and any victim mentality they may have. In his words, “Take back your control through better words, better breathing & having fun!”
He is a huge advocate for the mental and physical health benefits that come with arts and creativity.
He is also a singer and guitarist in the alt-rock band Ground Level Falcons.
Listen to our chat on Matt's podcast Electric Soil.
Check out Matt's course to reignite your creativity here.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Living in Your Heart Space with Adam Stanecki
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Today on the show, Wholehearted men’s coach, Adam Stanecki, joins me to talk about living in your head versus living in your heart. He has a background in hypnosis, NLP, psychotherapy, as well as fitness and wellness coaching.
For over 25 years, Adam has been investigating how to live his best life possible. He’s studied philosophies and practices from all around the world, and along the way has helped thousands of people on their own inner journeys.
Adam now holds space and provides guidance for men who are investigating the path of inner work. He uses a combination of trance work, meditation, breathwork, and embodiment practices to move men out of their heads and into their hearts.
If you'd like to connect with Adam, you can visit AdamStanecki.com.au

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Rebel Success with Charlotte Allen
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Joining me today to talk about incorporating successful change, leadership, organisational development and a whole range of other topics is founder of Rebel Successful for Leaders, Charlotte Allen.
Charlotte has over 20 years of leadership experience including 16 years at Kraft Foods working with many iconic brands. She holds a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University and is the bestselling author of Rebel Success for Leaders – Lead, Grow and Sell Fearlessly.
In this episode, we talk about career shifts for individuals and on the flip-side how organisations can increase their employee retention.
Find out more about Charlotte by visiting her website RebelSuccessforLeaders.com

We Are Only Limited By What We Believe We Are Limited
Welcome to Mindset Mastery. This is the place we explore positive mindset practices, neuroscience, our individual journeys of personal development and ultimately design a life we don‘t need to escape from.
I started this podcast from my own love of mindset and personal development and wanted to share my own journey, research and insights so that you can become a Master of your mindset too.
I'm stoked to have you along for the ride.